Manoir Saint-Rémi
26, rue Saint-André, Saint-Rémi (Québec) J0L 2L0

About this residence
The residence for the elderly Le Manoir Saint-Rémi is a residence for independent seniors located in Saint-Rémi in Montérégie.La résidence pour personnes âgées Le Manoir Saint-Rémi est une résidence pour personnes âgées autonomes située à Saint-Rémi en Montérégie.
- Category: Alzheimer's and Cognitive Loss, Independent, Moderate to High Care (including R.I. and C.H.S.L.D.), Convalescent and Short Stay, Semi Independent
- Size of units:
- Number of units: 24
- Telephone: 450-454-2545
- Group: Chantal Viau
- Type: Private
Terms & Rules
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26, rue de l'Église, Saint-Rémi (Québec) J0L 2L0- Alzheimer's and cognitive loss, Autonomous, Convalescence and short stay, Semi autonomous

Managed by Logis Retraite
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